What my Korean Anki input looked like today. . .


Screen Shot 2013-08-14 at 12.13.55 AMThis is what my Korean Anki input looked like today (for some of today at least.)

One of the nice things about Penguin Loves Mev is that a lot of the comic strips have English renderings on the side.  I take a snapshot of the situation, retype it in Korean (so that it’s searchable in Anki) and then the English in the back.

Today some of the words I added were 막론하다 (needless to say), 아리까리하다 ( 알듯 말듯 잘 모르겠는 거) ,  엉거주츰하다 (뭔가 하려다 만듯한 동작/어떻게 해야할 지 몰라서 어쩔 줄 모르고 있는 거) and 뒷목을 강타하다 (kind of surprised).

Listening content into Anki cards


Today I put a lot of listening content that I had transcribed before into my Anki deck — it’s not that hard to segment it, and I think it will be a much easier way to review the content and make sure any of the new words or expressions stick in my memory.

Today I segmented the Antartica letter and the interview about character education.

The last two evenings I have been listening to the book of Isaiah in the 쉬운 성경. I realized there were bunches of words I didn’t understand so last night I listened to the first chapter and segmented any sentences or phrases that I could not get. This morning I added them in Anki with the English equivalent verse. 

A few of the interesting words I learned from the first chapter of Isaiah were – 성하다 (to be sound (i.e. like in the expression safe and sound), 허물(fault), 약탈하다 (plunder, pillage), 상처투성 (whole body covered with sores).